Thursday, November 26, 2009

Interview questions EL-310

1. Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself /character/ personality?
- I would describe myself as a friendly and joyful.
2. What are your greatest strengths (weaknesses)?
- Strengths. My time management skills are excellent
- Weaknesses. Sometimes if a deadline is given to me to finish my work, I try to finish my work as soon as possible, but if during that time I don't give importance to any other work
3. Where do you see yourself five years from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?
- Growing with a company. I see myself as a top performing employee in a my company.
4. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
- Really, nothing. I've learned from each experience I've had
5. What extra-curricular activities were you Involved in?
- I have been going to the football club in my free time. Passing by is very interesting in my free time.
6. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular-activities?
- Playing Football it’s very hard and I’ve learned understanding each other.
7. Describe your ideal company, position and job. How do you think you can develop the organization?
- Another of responsible to apply at working. Gave me assignment I will better to carry out.
8. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
- I don’t know
9. What makes a job enjoyable for you? What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
- I've always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I'm in.
10. Can you work under pressure?
- No, I cant..
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
- communication is very important thing
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
- I like for group work. Of myself request many public to take out many times at work
13. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
- I will good career
14. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
- I will graduated university
15. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
- I will become a best employee in our company
16. What do you think you gained by working in your last job (studying in your school)? What were you responsible for? What did your job involve?
- I graduated my school after by studied in magister. Now, I had not worked. For I come to your company.
17. Why do you want to work for this company?
- I like your company’s operation very much.
18. What type of position do you think you are suited for? How would you describe the position we have to offer?
- I don’t know do any change, maybe I’m need entried at your company.
19. What aspects of the position are you most interested in? How long do you think you would stay with us?
- I am prefer to work with others because I think I’m very communication woman so it is easy for me.
20. What salary would you expect for this position?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Abstract- Optic communication EL-310

History of optical Communication system invented in the 1790s, that French engineer Claude Chappe. It beat hand carried messages, but by the midlle of 19th century was replaced by the electric telegraph. In 1840s, some of the physicist showed that light could be guided along jets of water for fountain displays. On that time inventors realized that bent quartz rods could carry light, and patented them as dental illuminators. During the 1920s, some of the American inventors patented the idea of using arrays of hollow pipes or transparent rods to transmit images for television or facsimile systems. serious work on optical communications had to wait for the continuouswave helium-neom laser. By 1965s, technical barriers remained for both millimeter-wave and laser telecommunications. In july 1966s, Kao and Hockham's detailed Proceeding of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. In september 1970s, they announced they had more single-mode fibers with attention at the 633-nanometer helium-neon line below 20dB/km. The breakthrough was among the most dramatic of many developments that opened the door to fiber-optic communications. The biigest problem for fiber-optics is economic. termiinal equipment remains too expensive to justify installing fibers all the way to homes, at least for present services. Time will show.

History of Tennis: Early Years el_210

The history of tennis dates back several thousand years. The game was first created by European monks to be played for entertainment purposes during religious ceremonies. To begin with, the ball was hit with the hand. Soon the leather glove came into existence. This was soon replaced with an adaptive handle for effective hitting and serving of the ball. Thus was born the first racquet. With the evolution of the racket, the tennis balls also underwent frequent alterations. The first tennis ball was wooden. It gave way to a bouncier, leather ball filled with cellulose material. The monasteries across Europe cherished the game during the 14th century much to the chagrin of the Church.
The game soon became very popular, predominantly in France where it was adopted by the royal family. During the period between the 16th and 18th centuries, the game called ' Jeu de paumme' - the game of the palm was a highly regarded by kings and noblemen. The French players would begin the game by shouting the word “tenez!” which meant “Play!” The game soon came to be called royal or “real tennis.”
In 1874, Major Walter Wingfield acquired the patent rights for the equipments and rules for the game which bore close resemblance to the modern tennis. On the same year, the first tennis courts emerged in the United States. The game soon spread to different parts of the world like Russia, Canada, China and India. The smooth croquet courts served as ready tennis courts during those times. The original court devised by Wingfield was in the shape of an hourglass which tapered at the net. It was shorter than the modern court which we have today. His version of tennis courts and the rules of games underwent a fair amount of changes and amendments till the game gave to the modernized version which is played today.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Unit-5 el210

horror - айдас, эгдvvцэл
sticky - наалдамхай, цавуулаг
icy - мєсєн, мєс шиг, хєлдvv , мєсєєр хучигдсан
hiss - исгэрээ , исгэрэх, шvгэлдэх
python - питон, аварга могой
thrill - баяр хєєр , сэтгэлийн хєєрєл , сэтгэл хєєрєх/хєдлєх , сэтгэл дэгэлзэх
scream - орь дуу, инээх, хєхрєх , огцом, чанга дуу чимээ , бєєн инээд, хєгийн юм , инээдтэй юм, бархирах
branch - мєчир, салаа , салбар , салаалах, салбарлах , мєчирлєх
freezing - хєлдєлт, мєстєлт , хєлдvv, мєсєн
pool - шавхай, шалбааг , эргvvлэг, цvнхээл , цєєрєм, усан сан , хэлэлцээ, тохиролцоо
thunder - аянга, аянга буух
rustle - шарчигнах чимээ , шарчигнах , шуурхай ажиллах , хулгайлах
strange - ер бусын, сонин, хачин , чамин , vл мэдэгдэх, танихгvй , харийн, хvний, бусдын
terror - айдас , алан хядах явдал , хядлага
wound - шарх , гомдол , шархдуулах , wind-г харах
scream - орь дуу, инээх, хєхрєх , огцом, чанга дуу чимээ , бєєн инээд, хєгийн юм , инээдтэй юм, бархирах
grab - шvvрэх , булаан эзлэх, , утгуур, булаахыг завдах , шvvрэх, самардах
stiff - хатуу,бачуу,хєшvvн,чанга , хєшсєн, бээрсэн, царцсан , эв хавгvй, болхи, єтгєн , шаргуу,гуйвшгvй
steep - эгц , єндєр, єгсvvр, автах , эгц эрэг,хясаа, эгц ганга , дэвтээх, норгох, хандлах
pebbly - хайргатай
noisy - шуугьсан, хашгирсан , шуугиантай
crowded - пиг дvvрэн
.narrow - нарийн,явцуу,уйтан,татрах , хэцvv бэрх, харамч, агших , хязгаарласан, нарийн , нягт, нямбай
expensive - vнэтэй
miserable - єрєвдмєєр
depress - урмы нь хугалах
furious - догшин, ширvvн
delight - баяр жаргал, зугаа цэнгэл , бахдах сэтгэл , цэнгэх, жаргах
angry - ууртай, омогтой, уцаартай
glad - сэтгэл ханамжтай , сэтгэл хангалуун , баяртай
frighten - айлгах, сvрдvvлэх


sank - sink-г харах
pull - татах хvч, таталт , балга, давуу байдал , сунал, сунгалт, хvчдэл , завиар хийх зугаалга
suspicious - сэжиг бvхий
spy - тагнуул, туршуул , тагнах, мєрдєх, дурандах
chasing - мєрдєх, нэхэх
significance - ач холбогдол
spread - тархалт, тархац , цар хvрээ, далайц , урт, эн, зай, бvтээлэг , зассан ширээ, идээ зоог
beat - бємбєрийн дуу , зvрхний цохилт, ялах , хэмнэл, хэвшсэн ажил vйлс , харуул, манаа, ядраах
axe - сvх , цавчих , хасах, хэмнэх
thud - пад/пид хийх чимээ , пад/пид хийн унах
surface - гадарга, гадаргуу
silence - мартах явдал
chop - цавчих , хэрчих, жиргэх, хєшиглєх
accuse - буруушаах, зэмлэх, яллах , илчлэх
fury - уур хилэн, омог
suspicion - сэжиг, хардалт
signify - чухал байх
belongings - эд юм, эд хогшил
wedding - хурим
underneath - дор, доошоо, доогуур
cause /reason- учир шалтгаан , шалтаг, далим, учруулах , vйл хэрэг, шvvх ажиллагаа , шалтгаалах, нєлєєлєх
burn - шатах, ноцох
. those - тэд, тэдгээр
treat - идээ будаа, зоог дайллага , зугаа, цэнгэл, жаргал , хандах, vзэх, хэлэлцэх , шvvмжлэх, дайлах, зочлох
dry - хуурай , хатсан , ангасан, цангасан , хатах, хатаах
guard - харуул, манаа, хамгаалалт , сонор, сэрэмж , манах, хамгаалах , болгоомжлох, сэрэмжлэх
architect - уран барилгач
accident - аваар, осол, золгvй явдал
furious - улайрсан, галзуу , догшин, ширvvн


1. read the paragraph to skim
2. read to scan
3. consider linken words
4. overlook sentence structure
5. look new words up
6. find the appoint words for paragraph of idea from dictionary
7. Translate the compound words
8. translate essential sentences
9. put the sentences in right position
10. link the sentences
11. checking grammar faults
12. writing paragraph in to one
13. read
14. read again
15. read again totally